Expanding CRP-TIP
Access to Producers
The Full Story
The Expanding CRP-TIP Access to Producers proposal aims to assess the current agency's farmers' outreach practices and identify areas of opportunity and potential pitfalls. After a comprehensive assessment and testing different outreach strategies, the project will make recommendations and focus on increasing CRP and TIP program awareness and participation through best practice outreach and relevant technical assistance. Our focus will be historically underserved Farmers from Texas and New Mexico.
The project brings together three strong partners with over 50 years of experience in Farmers' outreach, education, and enumeration; Victus Puerto Rico, mano-Y-ola, and Dr. Francisco Martínez Oronoz with NTDS Consulting. From 2023 to 2025, Victus will move through four phases of the proposed project plan: assessment, outreach, technical assistance, and providing FSA Recommendations. This project is supported with funds from the USDA.